Friday, June 22, 2012

Welcome Friends and Family

Welcome, friends and family, to "Bronfamacher", a new blog, a journey into our family's history and experience.  The image posted above is of my paternal grandfather, Benjamin Bernstein.  Upon arriving to the United States of America from Russia, he was compelled to drop the family name Bronfamacher, and from then on become Bernstein.  As for the reasoning, we can only guess.  Was the name too long, too complicated, too difficult to pronounce?  It seems a shame to have lost the family name.  This name makes us whole.  This name means "Whiskey Maker."  This name, Bronfamacher, is the key to our past.   

I look forward to a sharing of information, stories and images with you.  I am glad that you stopped by.


  1. to reasoning for the name guess is a clerk at Ellis Island found it too difficult. Why then Bernstein?..who knows..luck..could have been named McBronf or O'Bronf..?? or I know someone last name Schmuckler..can always be worse..
    Just glad these folks undertook that long voyage and grateful for their hard work..that brought us to our current state. Robert

  2. True words and kind thoughts, Cousin.

  3. Rich, thank you for creating this beautiful and interesting blog! I am hoping that we can all contribute and stay in touch through this blog.
    I have always loved this photo of my Dad and felt that even as a toddler, it captured his spirit. It makes me smile and want to weep at the same time.
    I am hoping that the cousins will post photos of their parents and stories as well. I will think of some stories.
    Love to all!
